Warzone III
Camo Service

10 Loadouts

7 Loadouts

5 Loadouts

3 Loadouts




(Includes Tracers)

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the Camo service take?
This depends on how many loadouts you decide to buy, our smallest package (3 Loadouts) takes 20 minutes after logging in. Our largest bundle (10 Loadouts) takes a little over an hour.
Do I need to be a certain level?
No, your account can be any level. Our tool bypasses the requirement to be level 6 to create loadouts.
Can I pick attachments?
Yes, you can get any attachments of your choosing. Whether you have them unlocked or not we can still apply them onto loadouts for you for an additional £0.50 per gun
Can I get banned?
It is possible to get banned for camo services. However our tool is currently undetected and our tool is the lowest risk of a ban out of any tool. So far no one who has received camos from me has been banned.
What camos can i get?
Any camo within Warzone. Mastery, Ranked & more.
Can i get tracer rounds?
Yes, all tracers are obtainable. Any blueprint including store blueprints can be applied and modified.
Tracers will only be applied if you purchase the 10 Loadouts bundle
What Comes with a loadout?
You will receive 2 guns in a loadout with modded camos of choice, attachments or a blueprint is able to be added for an additional £0.50 per gun.